
One of my favorite little guys!

Remember this little guy?  He has been on this blog before!  I just love him…look at how sweet he is!  Every time I see him, he is full of smiles and he loves to clap for me:)

I had to have him try one of my new hats; he wasn’t too into it, but he did keep it on for a few shots.

He is SO close to crawling, I can’t wait!

Baby Children

Jacob & Ellie

A couple weeks ago I met up with my friend Megan in Fargo to talk about photography and shoot together.  It was so much fun to spend the day with Megan talking about photography; she has been a big help to me!

Since we were planning to shoot together, we needed some models, so I asked our friends Clint and Nancy to bring their kiddos out for us to photograph.  Jacob is a super fun four year old!  Ellie is so sweet! She is nine months and in the “stranger danger” phase and just learning to walk.  She was on the go and kept a very close eye on her Daddy!   Thanks again Clint and Nancy for coming out in the heat!  Hope you enjoy the photos!

I just LOVE her blue eyes!



This little guy is 10 months old…he is SO cute!  He may have the bluest eyes I have ever seen!

He sure kept a close eye on his Mom and Dad the whole time!

I couldn’t decide which one of these to blog, so here are a few!  I adore these images!

This one may just be my favorite!

Baby Children Family

Addy & Libby

We  had the worst luck with weather while scheduling this photo session.  I think this is the third time we attempted photos, but it was worth it… these girls are so sweet!

Addy turned 3  in May.  I just adore her round sweet face and I love her hair!  This picture was taken between rain storms:)

Libby is 2.5 months, isn’t she sweet and again, I LOVE the hair!

Thanks for being so flexible with scheduling the pictures:)


Caden and Cody {twins}

These darling little guys belong to a friend of mine from high school.  While she and her family traveled from California to North Dakota for a family wedding, we were able to meet up and squeeze in a photo session.  We didn’t have the nicest of mornings, but the boys were troopers and we ended up with some great shots!   I enjoyed spending a little time with these guys; they certainly are special:)  Ok, lets see if I can tell you who is in these pictures; I have already apologized if I get this wrong!



They held hands several times during the shoot….I thought it was so sweet!

Caden on the left and Cody on the right.  Don’t these guys have the most stunning eyes?



Jocie and Craig, Your boys are absolutely amazing and it is so fun seeing you two as parents!  Thanks for the opportunity to photograph them!  Please correct me on the names and I can edit this post….I tried!