
Eleni JOY

Eleni, what can I say….isn’t she sweet!  Eleni just turned six in June and although we had already done a session for her birthday back in May, she asked if we could do some more! I would like to think it was because I am so much fun to be around, but maybe it had something to do with the fact that I had just taken Alethia’s two year pictures or that she knew there would be candy at the end:)  Either way, I had so much fun….I think we both did!  Eleni is growing up into such a sincere, tenderhearted, inquisitive child; I just love her personality!

These pictures were taken at my Grandparent’s house.  I love that barn; it is filled with SO many good memories from my childhood!

These pictures make my heart happy!  Love you Eleni!

3 replies on “Eleni JOY”

I LOVE THESE! They make my heart happy too… Thanks for capturing her sweet spirit. I love that you “get” her. We love you Erin!

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