
Harper {9 days old}

Last weekend, I had the opportunity to photograph baby Harper.  When we started the shoot she was wide awake and so calm and alert.

She started to yawn and we were thinking she would fall asleep soon.

Instead she decided to stay awake

Her cousin Wyatt even stopped in for a visit and I took a few photos of him while Harper was being fed

She finally fell asleep long enough to get this one shot and then she was up again.  Awake or asleep, she is a pretty sweet little girl!

5 replies on “Harper {9 days old}”

Thanks so much Erin! I still can’t believe how “wide awake” she was that day! Too funny! You got some great shots of our precious little Harper! Can’t wait to get some taken of the twins this fall!

Hi….. great pictures as always! I am so glad I went back and read the captions as I was puzzled by the picture of Wyatt at first…. was wondering what happened to all that hair! Lesson to be learned….. read the captions!

She is definately a doll…every picture is adorable. I still like to see those big newborn eyes, even if we photographers love the sleepy ones 😉

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