
Snapshots from another month that has flown by! {Williston ND Child Photographer}

First off, let me start by saying….where does the time go!  I absolutely LOVE being home with our kids, but the days seem to go even faster then when I worked!  We have been in Williston for two months now and are feeling at home here and are settled into our cozy little rental house!

This was taken on Christmas Eve day, right before we headed to church.  Who would have thought it would be nice enough to take an outdoor photo on Christmas Eve!

Each year the kids do the Nativity at my in-laws house

Elias loves his baby sister and Julia loves her big brother!

This one just cracked me up!

Toes or toys?

Elias spends lots of time building with Legos!

Who would have thought my mom, Julia, and I would be walking lots in January!  Aren’t these two pretty?:)

Buddies:)  He is SO good to her!

We love play dates with the cousins!

and lazy days coloring!  Elias spends A LOT of time in costume!

Walking and riding scooter in January!  I LOVE it!

Julia loves her jumperoo, I should try to post a video….she can really get going!

Although I cannot wait to play girly stuff with Julia, I have to admit, I love playing legos and Star Wars with Elias.   He is so fun.

He is now building by himself and is able to follow directions with just a little help.  Julia  is rolling all through the house, so we have had to move the Legos and all the other small toys up, so when she naps he loves to play on the floor!

He created this by himself and it is always a good idea to have a large sign marking a “Secret Lair”-haha!  This Kleenex box has provided days of entertainment:)

Look who turned 6 months last week!

Ok, this is getting long….I am almost done, but really, isn’t she cute!  Julia and I are meeting up my my friend Megan this weekend and Megan is going to take some six month pictures.  I LOVE seeing my kiddos through Megan’s lens!  Cannot wait!

Julia is close to sitting and is just starting solids.  Elias has been busy helping me prepare her baby food.

These are just the kind of things I want to remember years from now!

On a business note, I am thinking of offering a workshop geared towards moms (or Dads) who would like to learn to use their cameras better and take better photos of their children.  Anyone interested?  If you are, leave a comment or send me an email, I would love to hear from you!

6 replies on “Snapshots from another month that has flown by! {Williston ND Child Photographer}”

Ugh!!!! Erin I get so envious of the fun days at home with your BEAUTIFUL children. You are an amazing mother and they are so lucky to have you! Once again love your captured moments. And if I ever break down and buy myself a decent camera I would love to take a class from you!

I cannot wait to see Julia this weekend. Well, and you, too! 🙂 I love all of your snapshots! Such fun times.

Hi Erin! Love your photos! I would love to have a lesson on how to use my camera better! Keep me posted if you decide to have a class. I would also love more photos taken of my boys again some time, so I’ll keep in touch for that as well! Thanks!

Julia is getting so big! Such cute pics! I would love to take a workshop from you…that would be awesome! I am sure my sister would do it too!

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